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The A11Y Corner is all about accessibility, with a specific focus on accessibility-related pedagogies that also support overall equity and inclusiveness. A11Y (pronounced “A-one-one-Y”, or “A-eleven-Y”) is a numeronym for the word “accessibility”.

  • Teaching Accessibility: Preparing Students for an Inclusive World

    Author: Heather Moorefield Lang, UNCG Accessibility Fellow I have the privilege of teaching graduate students who plan to be instructional designers, librarians, web designers, educators, content creators, and more. Our students in the Department of Library and Information Science are out in the workforce creating online materials, websites, and content … Continued

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  • A Stitch in Time: Proactive Accessibility Planning Reduces Time and Stress

    Author: Austin Craven, UNCG Accessibility Fellow In my 9+ years as a lecturer in the UNCG Biology Department, I’ve learned a little about planning ahead. This year I’m working as a faculty fellow on accessibility, and proactive planning is an essential component in the message I share with faculty about online … Continued

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  • The Journey of Accessibility in Online Learning

    Author: Heather Moorefield Lang, UNCG Accessibility Fellow I’d like to share my own accessibility journey, and how I’ve worked to include accessibility into my online courses. I have been teaching online full-time for eight years, and I’m currently a professor in the Department of Library and Information Science. In my … Continued

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  • Neurodiversity & UDL

    Neurodiversity is a term that has been around since the 1990’s, but it has recently resurged as a topic of interest, especially as educators consider strategies for reaching learners of various abilities. But what exactly is neurodiversity? What is Neurodiversity? Neurodiversity takes a different approach when it comes to framing … Continued

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  • Welcome to the A11Y Corner!

    About the A11Y Corner The A11Y Corner is all about accessibility, with a specific focus on accessibility-related pedagogies that also support overall equity and inclusiveness. A11Y (pronounced “A-one-one-Y”, or “A-eleven-Y”) is a numeronym for the word “accessibility.” It is used most often as shorthand, especially on social media platforms such … Continued

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